War Crisis Relief Efforts


In July 2023, in collaboration with our partner Groundbreaker gGmbH, we launched the "Oznur, Serg, Mia's - Birthday Fundraiser" aimed at making a lasting difference in the lives of younger population in Ukraine and enhancing educational opportunities in the country. Thanks to the generosity of our partners and friends, we have raised approximately €22,000, a sum substantial enough to create a meaningful impact.
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In Ukraine, there is a pressing need for employment opportunities for individuals who have lost their jobs due to the war and have relocated to areas with limited suitable job options. At the same time, younger population face several challenges in accessing appropriate educational spaces. Altogether, Internally Displaced People (IDPs) must access safe areas of opportunity.

Key project updates as of March 2024: adjustments have been made in response to the circumstances arising from the war

Due to the war in Ukraine and the unpredictable changes occurring within the region, it has become complicated to align all the necessary conditions and proceed with construction and infrastructure development according to the previously announced project plan. Because of these challenging circumstances, it was decided to reallocate the funds and pursue a different approach and partnership, while maintaining the same objective: to make a lasting difference in the lives of younger population in Ukraine and enhancing educational opportunities in the country.

A new local partner has been selected: the "Smart Future." With this charitable school, we aim to support two types of activities focused on expanding education through digital equipment and literacy, specifically IT training programs.


About our local partner

Our local partner, the "Smart Future" charitable school, was established eight years ago with a primary focus on educating children from vulnerable sectors in IT. The school targets various cities across Ukraine and has already benefitted over 3,000 students through its programs. Since the onset of the war, "Smart Future" has extended its reach to include orphans, children of deceased or injured military personnel unable to work, and child refugees who have been displaced or lost their homes.

The "Smart Future" charitable school

The school offers both online and offline training sessions and is currently equipped with computers in four classrooms. Additionally, they provide temporary equipment support to households lacking a laptop for their individual studies.

Project Details as of March 2024: 

Our current project plan involves establishing an additional computer classroom by investing in computer equipment for the school classes. 

Another component of the project plan is to launch a significant IT educational program targeted at adolescents aged 14 to 18, titled "IT Teens Against the War."

Upon completion of this two-part plan, students will have the opportunity to participate in internships offered by the organization's partners.


We aim to support two types of activities focused on expanding education through digital equipment and literacy, specifically IT training program.

IT Teens Against the War” educational program -
10K Euro budget allocated

The project partner intends to initiate a significant IT educational project tailored for adolescents aged 14 to 18. The program comprises various stages, but the allocated budget of 10,000 Euros will specifically fund the "Programming Basics" course, designed for 100 participants. The targeted participants are teens from constrained backgrounds that have been affected by the ongoing war in Ukraine.

The overall program comprises four primary areas:

  1. Web Development (covering fundamentals, frontend development, Python, and IT English courses)
  2. Game Development (involving basics, C#, Unity, and IT English courses)
  3. Design (including Adobe Premiere, Photoshop, Blender 3D)
  4. Digital Marketing

All of the students go for Programming Basics first, and upon graduation, they will choose which path to follow, from the mentioned above.

Digital equipment - 13K Euro budget allocated

Our goal is to furnish three additional computer classrooms at the "Smart Future" charity school with a total of 17 new computers, complemented by an LED projector for the computer lab.