The Kageru Primary School in Tanzania faced a lack of funds, resulting in large class sizes of approximately 75 students that impeded individualized attention and hindered student participation.

To address these issues and achieve the objectives of improving infrastructure, reducing overcrowding, enhancing student focus, and increasing teacher attention, the project entailed the construction of two new classrooms fully furnished with 30 desks and blackboards.

The primary goals of the project included attendance enhancement and academic performance elevation.


The project supervised by Jambo for Development (an independent Tanzanian NGO with specific focus is on supporting primary schools in Tanzania's Kagera Region) in cooperation with Groundbreaker; and started in October, 2022. 

  • Initial phase entailed the school building committee to approve expenses and discuss all the details with the contractors.
  • Construction works itself started in December 2022 showing great dynamics.
  • The last couple of weeks was focused on painting and other finishing touches, such as electrical installation and furniture building.

The overall project was completed and opened in the early summer of 2023.

Positive impact on privacy and hygiene conditions:

The installed water tanks from the reconstruction allow the school to collect sufficient rainwater for various purposes, including cooking, drinking, cleaning, and watering kitchen gardens. This has saved time and energy, eliminating the need to fetch water from the river. As a result, the school has experienced a decrease in waterborne diseases and a reduction in illnesses among the learners.


/ How many children will attend the school?

In total, 718 students are enrolled in the school.
Out of which 381 are girls, and 337 are boys.

/ How many teachers will teach them?

Currently, there are 10 teachers at the school.
Out of which 7 are female, and 3 are male.

/ How will the project be monitored?

The local organization will regularly check and monitor the site and provide bi-annual updates to Groundbreaker and its donor. Moreover, the staff on the ground is in close contact with the local government and the school administration.

Community and parent involvement?

As with all projects by Jambo for Development, the community is included in deciding which infrastructure is most needed. ​The community also contributes 10% of the construction cost through labor and materials.




"We want to thank Jambo for Development, Groundbreaker, and the donors - Oznur & Serg Bell - for their support. With the support that our school has received for the two classroom construction, we have become much closer to our goal of having a good education in quality classrooms and also being inspired that in the future, when we study hard, we will have the same good building in our community and not only in school. Our learning environment is much better now. We are comfortably sitting in space during class hours. This has motivated us to perform better in school. Thank you for making this possible!"  – Remigius Lackius Kiiza, class 7A, 15 years old


“Jambo for Development would like to thank the donor -Oznur & Serg Bell - and Groundbreaker for their support, patience, and the great opportunity we got by working together. We were able to improve the learning environment of pupils and strengthen the chances of them finishing school successfully while supporting their understanding of education in health, sports, and gender equality.” – Jambo for Development, the local implementing partner