International Women’s Day | March 8, 2023

With regards to the occasion, Oznur Bell answered several questions related to women development in the science, education, and tech areas.

What were the reasons why you chose a career in education?

My parents were actually my main source of motivation to choose a career path in education management. They spent years in the same field with various administrative roles in the public and private sectors. Their overall approach to education was always very innovative and customized by prioritizing accessibility in any situation. These are now the roots of my core values while shaping the future of education in Constructor Group.

As you were building your career, any challenge you faced and how did you overcome it?

Just like in life itself, professional life has many ups and downs, and it's all about how you perceive them in the first place. If you see a challenge as a stepping stone for a better state in the future, the problem is half solved. The worst I could see is being responsible for hundreds in a financially declining company: the best here would be creating highly profitable businesses from scratch. No need to mention human capital is the key to overcoming any obstacle that may occur on the way.

Did you have a mentor or someone who inspired you to pursue this career path?

I usually get inspired by facts or someone who is inspired by facts. Even though my parents played a vital role in my path, I cannot mention any individual here as a mentor. We have well-known facts to get inspired altogether, that we need better education for all to solve current and upcoming global issues!

How do you see the role of women in the science, education, and tech areas?

Gender inequalities in managerial roles are still a case for all these three areas, even in today's modern societies. However, we've been delighted to see more women's involvement on the decision-making level in different businesses within the last couple of years. I see women as true changemakers, and science & tech-based education is the best instrument to disseminate those changes to breakdown the prejudices in future.

Published: February 23, 2023